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Since you are already here, I can skip the introduction. You know what this is about. The site has no content because it is not yet complete! Feel free to read this article for guidance on how to write an introductory paragraph, but remember that every good blog post starts with a story these days. This article will help when writing your own intro for your informative blog post, which should include the following: * The problem or opportunity * The solution * Why it's important * An easy-to-understand explanation of those parts of the issue that readers might not be as familiar with as others. This higher level information typically comes at the end of a blog post. The post needs to be eye-catching but informative. Your reader should be able to come away with the main idea without having to read the entire thing. The article continues and can also take into account: * The topic (the current problem, opportunity, etc.) * The solution (what you're suggesting as a fix) * Why it matters (no one will care unless they see how it affects them) * How to make it happen (get people interested and excited enough about what you're suggesting to take action!) The post is now ready, and all you need is an appealing title. As with any blog post, you should always use an eye-catching title, like "How to Get Rid of Acne Once and For All". The next step is posting it online. Many of us may not think that facebook posts are actually viewed; however, posts generally get higher views than pages. As for Twitter, some tweets get thousands of retweets, while others don’t even reach a hundred followers. Even if your tweets only grab a few hundred views and retweets (which is fairly common), you can still build up a following and drive traffic to your site over time... especially if you link back to your website at least once in each post. There are some things that work for everyone and some things that only work for a select few. While no one can tell you what will make your blog post go viral, there are a few guidelines to follow if you want your post to attract views and shares… Uumph! You'll notice this article has a lot of uumphs! a) It’s good to have a good title. Something catchy, but not too crazy. Something that tells the main idea behind what you’re posting. If you want people to click on it, it needs to be interesting as well as informative. b) Something worth sharing. If it’s not something that will make someone want to comment on it, re-tweet it or share it with their friends, you might as well post a picture of your cat. Seriously. c) Good writing. Remember, one of the main goals of blogging is to attract an audience so they can see your site or product. If you don’t have good grammar and punctuation, no one will read what you've written. d) People like advice, especially if they think it comes from an expert. e) The more keywords that are used in an article, the better chance that someone will find your blog post with search engine technology. cfa1e77820

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